Upper lip hair removal and disadvantages

Upper lip hair Removal and Disadvantages

Usually men have a lot of hair on their body, but sometimes on the areas where men have hair females also start getting hair although the density and thickness is very less. This happens due to male hormones called androgens.  

Though these hairs are quite normal but they become a cause of embarrassment for women's. These hairs might vary in density and    frequency of occurance depending on person to person.

So lets discuss a few little ways to get rid of these awful hairs and giving answer to the very basic question of How to shave upper lip woman?

Upper lip hair removal

So here we would be discussing some very basic remedies to work for removal of upper lip hairs.

And we will also be discussing about disadvantages of doing upper lip treatment.



 Using razor is a very affordable, clean and painless method to get rid of those awful upper lip hairs. Care should be taken while doing so because razor blades are sharp and can cause cuts if not done properly. This method is one of the   best temporary method as upper lip would grow again after a couple days. We can use the ordinary razor for the above mentioned process.


It is a slow process, it is only used for small hairy areas just like upper lip. This is also known as tweezing in this we use tweezers to take out hairs one by one from hair roots.


This is similar to tweezing as it takes out hairs from roots and it's effect last a little longer than shaving. It requires a trained professional who by using thread could remove the upper lip hair.


In this a dermatologist directs a concentrated beam of laser light to destroy the hair follicles.

It is an effective way to remove upper lip hair, although it is not permanent but its effect lasts longer than shaving. This process if done by an unskilled person can be harmful to skin.


As we all know that nothing is perfect in this world everything has it's own imperfections and disadvantages so is the case with doing upper lip hair removal. So following are the disadvantages:


Pain is always a part of process of hair removal such as waxing, threading etc. So we should always use right kind of equipments to avoid unnecessary pain.


Allergies is also an problem in case of upper lip hair removal which might be caused because of using various kinds of products. To avoid this we should always remember to do a patch test by applying any new product first on our hand and see its effect for 24 hours. If the patch test is successful then we can use that product. Always remember precautions are better than cure.


Temporary bumps are quite common in case of waxing. They would go away after some time. We can use some kind of cream that would moisturise your skin and provide better healing.


Irrigation and rashes are mainly associated by waxing. They are also a common problem. But if the rashes or redness starts to spread and pain you should consult and dermatologist.
